DreamLink Privacy Policy



Update date: March 12, 2024



This Privacy Policy outlines how Dreamlover LTD., as the developer of DreamLink, collects, protects, and uses user information, how users manage their personal information, and how Dreamlover LTD. protects minors' privacy rights through the usage of the DreamLink App, websites, and services (Collectively as “Services”), and the application and update of this Privacy Policy. It is recommended that users carefully read and understand all the contents of this Policy. By accessing or using DreamLink, you promise us that (a) you have read, understand and agree to our Privacy Policy; (b) you are over 18 years of age (or have had your parent or guardian read and agree to this Privacy Policy for you); and (c) you give explicit consent to our collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information we’ve set out in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree or are unable to make this promise, you must not access or use the Services.

本隱私政策概述了Dreamlover LTD.DreamLink的開發者如何收集、保護和使用用戶資訊,用戶如何管理他們的個人資訊,Dreamlover LTD.如何通過使用DreamLink應用程式、網站和服務(統稱為“服務”)保護未成年人的隱私權,以及本隱私政策的應用和更新。建議用戶仔細閱讀並理解本政策的全部內容。通過訪問或使用DreamLink,您向我們承諾:(a)已閱讀、理解並同意我們的隱私政策(b)已年滿18周歲(或您的父母或監護人已為您閱讀並同意本隱私政策)(c)我們在本隱私政策中所列的對您個人資訊的收集、存儲、使用和披露給予明確同意。如果您不同意或無法作出此承諾,您不得訪問或使用本服務。


Any translation from the English version is provided for your convenience only. In the event of any difference in meaning or interpretation between the English language version of these Terms and any translation, the English language version will prevail. The original English text shall be the sole legally binding version.



I.       What data do we collect?

When DreamLink provides Services, it may collect, store, and use some or all of the following information:


        Account Information: DreamLink collects, and associates with your account, the information you provide to DreamLink when you do things such as sign up for your account or log into your account (including your date of birth, gender, geographical location, etc.).

        Device Or Other IDs Data: DreamLink also collects information from and about the devices you use to access the Services to detect abuse and troubleshoot bugs, which may include without limitation device model, operating system version, internet service provider, mobile carrier, device configuration, device identification (may include Advertising ID, Android ID, IMEI, BSSID, MAC address), device network information, device environment, and other identifiers associated with your devices

         設備或其他設備ID資訊: DreamLink還會收集您用於訪問服務的設備的相關資訊,以檢測濫用情況並排除故障。這些資訊可能包括但不限於設備型號、作業系統版本、互聯網服務提供者、移動運營商、設備配置、設備標識(如廣告 ID, Android ID, IMEI, BSSID, MAC 位址)、設備網路資訊、設備環境以及與您的設備相關的其他識別字。

        Input: In your conversations with the Services, you may choose to provide any Input (please refer to the meaning given in the Terms of Use). By providing any Input, you consent to our use of it for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

        User-Generated Content: DreamLink collects information from and about you when you choose to upload your generated content on our Platform, which includes but is not limited to images, scene dialogue settings, character settings, etc.

         Album Information: You may choose to allow us to access your albums to facilitate your use of the album images to set your avatar.

        Usage Information: DreamLink collects information related to how you use the Services, including actions you take in your account. Such information including but not limited to log information, browsing history, search history, crash data, performance, diagnostic data, user click data and other usage data.

        Government ID Information: In certain circumstances, DreamLink may ask for a government-issued ID for the purpose of fraud prevention, or as required by law.

        Other Information: You may at your sole discretion provide other information to DreamLink, including when you respond to our surveys or contact us with questions, feedback, or otherwise.


II.   How do we collect your data?

You directly provide DreamLink with most of your personal information DreamLink collects. We collect data and process data when you:


        Register as a user or place an order for any of our privileged services.


        Provide any Input when using our Services.


        Voluntarily complete a customer survey or provide feedback via email.


        Use or view our Services via your cookies.



DreamLink may also receive your personal information indirectly from the following sources:


         At Your Direction: You may direct other individuals or third parties to share information with DreamLink. For example, log in to DreamLink through platforms such as Google and Facebook.



DreamLink may engage third parties to act as service providers and perform certain tasks on our behalf, the third-party service provider will directly collect your personal information to support its performance. DreamLink hereby declares that we do not collect or retain this part of the information, which collected by third-party service providers shall be subject to the privacy policy of the third party, and you need to check their privacy policy.


III.             How will we use/share your data?

DreamLink collects your personal information so that we can:


         Provide services to you. We use personal information to operate, maintain, and provide you with our Services, including conducting user authentication, conducting account retrieval, and managing your account. In particular, we use personal information to perform our contractual obligations under our Terms of Use.


        Improve, monitor, personalize, and protect our Services. It is in our legitimate business interests to improve and keep our Services safe for our users, which includes:


        Researching and analyzing your use of the Service, understanding your needs and interests, personalizing your experience with the Services, and providing specific functions of the software or other functions based on your request.


        For archive and backup purposes.


        Send you marketing communications.


        Troubleshooting, testing, and research, and keeping the Services secure.


        Investigating and protecting against fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, or illegal activity.


        Research and development. We may use personal information for research and development purposes where it is in our legitimate business interests, including to analyze and improve the Services and promote our business.


        Communicate with you regarding your use of our Service. It is in our legitimate business interests to use personal information to respond to your requests, provide customer support, and communicate with you about our Services, including by sending reminders, updates, security alerts, and administrative messages.


        Compliance and protection. We may use personal information to comply with legal obligations and to defend ourselves against legal claims or disputes, including to:


        Protect our, your, or others’ rights, privacy, safety, or property (including by making and defending legal claims).


        Audit our internal processes for compliance with legal and contractual requirements and internal policies.


        Enforce our terms, conditions, and policies.


        Prevent, identify, investigate, and deter fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical, or illegal activity, including cyberattacks and identity theft.


        Comply with applicable laws, lawful requests, and legal processes, such as monitoring for User Generated Content (including comments, images, etc.) to ensure the User Generated Content does not contain any pornographic, infringing, hate-related, violent, or illegal material, or responding to subpoenas or requests from government authorities.



DreamLink may share personal information with third parties that help us operate, provide, improve, integrate, customize, support, and market our Services. We may share some sets of personal data, in particular, for the purposes indicated above. The types of third parties we share information with include, in particular:


        Affiliate: DreamLink may share your information with any member or affiliate of our group, which includes our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, and companies that we control, are controlled by or under common control, and our strategic business partners, and their subsidiaries, in each case in or outside your country, for the purpose set out above.


        Service Providers: DreamLink may engage third parties to act as its service providers and perform certain tasks on our behalf, such as processing or storing information, including personal information, in connection with your use of DreamLink Services. DreamLink’s service providers are obligated to handle personal information consistent with this Privacy Policy and according to our instructions. They cannot use the personal information we share for their own purposes and must delete or return the personal information once they've fulfilled our request.


        Public Agency: DreamLink may share your information with law enforcement agencies, public or tax authorities, or other organizations if legally required to do so, or if DreamLink determines that for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, disclosure is necessary or appropriate.


        Third Parties: DreamLink may share personal information with third parties if DreamLink sell, buy, merge or partner with other companies or other businesses, or sell some or all of our assets. In such transactions, user information may be among to the transferred assets.


        Others: DreamLink may share personal information with others at your direction or with your consent. DreamLink may also disclose information about you where there is a lawful basis for doing so, if DreamLink determines that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce DreamLink’s terms of services or to protect DreamLink’s operations or users, or in the event of a reorganization or bankruptcy.



IV.            How do we store and protect your data?我們如何存儲和保護您的數據?

We store your personal data and content on our servers and the servers of our service providers, your personal data will be stored in Oregon, United States. You agree to authorize us to store and transfer your personal information/data across national borders and stored on the servers outside of your country or region through this Policy.



The duration of the storage of personal information is determined by the respective legal retention period (e.g., commercial and tax retention periods). After expiry of this period, the corresponding information will be routinely deleted, provided they are no longer necessary for the performance or initiation of the contract and/or there is no longer any legitimate interest on our part in the further storage.



DreamLink strives to provide security for users' information to prevent unauthorized access, unauthorized public disclosure, unauthorized use, unauthorized modification, damage, or loss of data. DreamLink will comprehensively use various security protection measures within a reasonable security level to ensure information security, this includes internal measures that limit access to personal information to a dedicated set of specialist employees working on improving the safety or quality of our Services. Where possible and appropriate, we also de-identify sensitive data like conversational logs to preserve user privacy.



Please note that you are responsible for managing access to any accounts that you maintain with DreamLink. Failure to limit access to your devices or browser might enable third parties to have unauthorized access to your personal information.



After an unfortunate personal information security incident occurs, we will inform you in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations about: the basic situation and possible impacts of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions that you can independently prevent and reduce risks, remedial measures for you, etc.



DreamLink only keeps user information in accordance with this policy. When our products or services are ceased, we will notify you in the form of notification, announcement, etc., and delete your personal information or anonymize it within 90 days, unless otherwise required by relevant law.



Please understand that due to technical limitations and risk prevention limits, even if we have strengthened our security measures as much as possible, we cannot always guarantee 100% security of the information. You need to understand that the system and communication network used by you to access to the DreamLink Service may have problems due to circumstances beyond our control, and you acknowledge and accept that your use of our Services is ultimately at your own risk. Please be sure to take good care of your personal information, it may make you suffer losses for you to disclose the information. If you find that any information may or have been leaked, please notice to us immediately at feedback@dreamlink.fun, so that we can take appropriate measures in time avoid or reduce related losses.



V.  Marketing

DreamLink would like to send you information about our Services that DreamLink think you might like, as well as those of our partner companies.



If you have agreed to receive marketing, you may always opt out at a later date.



You have the right at any time to stop DreamLink from contacting you for marketing purpose.



If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please contact us at:

Our email: feedback@dreamlink.fun




VI.            What is your data protection rights?

        Right of Access: On receipt of your requests, we will provide you, as soon as reasonably possible, with: (a) personal information about you that is in the possession or under the control of DreamLink; and (b) information about the ways in which that personal data has been or may have been used or disclosed by DreamLink within a year before the date of the request. However, we may deny your access request if: (a) when such access will reveal personal information about another individual or will be contrary to the national interest; (b) if the burden or expense of providing access would be unreasonable to DreamLink or disproportionate to your personal interest; or (c) if the request is otherwise frivolous or vexatious.

訪問權:在收到您的請求後,我們將在合理的可能範圍內儘快向您提供:(a) DreamLink擁有或控制的有關您的個人資訊;以及(b) DreamLink在請求日期前一年內已使用/披露或可能已使用/披露該等個人資訊的方式。但是,在以下情況下,我們可能會拒絕您的訪問請求:(a) 此類訪問將洩露他人的個人資訊或違背國家利益;(b) 如果提供訪問的負擔或費用對DreamLink來說是不合理的,或與您的個人利益不成比例;或(c) 請求是瑣屑無聊或無理取鬧的。


        Right to Rectification: You have the right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal information concerning you and, if applicable, to have incomplete information completed.



         Right to Erasure: You have the right to demand from us the erasure of personal information concerning you without undue delay if retention of such personal information is no longer necessary for business purposes. When you request the deletion of your personal data, we will use reasonable efforts to honor your request. In some cases, we may be legally required to keep some of the data for a certain time; in such an event, we will fulfill your request after we have complied with our obligations.



         Right to Restriction of Processing: You can ask us to stop using all or some of your personal data or limit our use thereof by requesting certain limitations or its erasure as described above by sending a request.



        Right to Data Portability: You have the right to receive the personal information concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have this information transmitted to a third party, as long as the processing is based on consent or on a contract and the processing is carried out by means of automated procedures.



        Right to Object: If personal information is collected for the purposes of legitimate interests or in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority, you have the right to object to this processing, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time. We will no longer process the personal information unless there are demonstrable compelling legitimate grounds for this processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or which serve in the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. You should be cognizant of the fact that exercising your Right to Object may affect the ability of DreamLink to continue providing the requested services.



In some instances, your rights may be limited, such as where fulfilling your request would impair the rights of others, or our ability to comply with our legal obligations and enforce our legal rights.



Users can query or correct the user information after logging in to the personal center. When you delete your account, the cancellation is irreversible. In order to avoid the cancellation of the account without the user's permission, such as robot operation or malicious cancellation, causing losses to the user, we may need you to provide information to verify your entity. The user information provided during account cancellation is only used to verify the security of the canceled account. Dreamlover will keep it confidential.



If you make a request, DreamLink will respond to you as soon as possible. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, or if you are not satisfied with how we address your request, please contact us at:

Our email: feedback@dreamlink.fun




VII.        Cookies and similar technologies

Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. When you use DreamLink Services, DreamLink may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology.



DreamLink uses cookies and similar technologies in a range of ways to improve your experience when you use our Services, including:


        Keeping you signed in.


        Understanding how you use DreamLink Services.


        Conduct relevant data statistics



DreamLink uses cookies and similar technologies for below purpose:


        Functionality – DreamLink uses these cookies or similar technologies so that we recognize you when you use DreamLink Services and remember your previously selected preferences, which include what language you prefer and the location you are in.

功能 - DreamLink使用cookies或類似技術,以便我們在您使用DreamLink服務時識別您,並記住您之前選擇的偏好,可能包括您喜歡的語言和您所在的位置。


Please note that cookie-based opt-outs are not effective on mobile applications. However, you may opt out on some mobile applications by following the instructions for Android, iOS, and others.



Please note you must separately opt out in each browser and on each device.



VIII.    Privacy policy for minors

DreamLink does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 18 (or equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction) (“Minor”) or knowingly allow such persons to use our Services. If you are a Minor, please do not send any information about yourself to DreamLink, including but not limited to your name, address, telephone number, or email address. No Minor may provide any personal information to DreamLink. In the event that DreamLink learns that it has collected personal information from Minor, DreamLink will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that DreamLink might have any information from or about Minor, please contact us at:

Our email: feedback@dreamlink.fun




IX. Transfer of personal information outside of your country

As part of the provision of our Services, we may need to transfer your personal data to an overseas jurisdiction. DreamLink complies with laws on the transfer of personal data between countries to help ensure your information is protected, wherever it may be.



X.            Do not sell your personal information

DreamLink herein makes the following commitments to you. DreamLink will not retain, use, or disclose personal information for any purpose other than those set forth in this Privacy Policy, in no event will DreamLink sell any such personal information.


XI. Privacy policies of other websites

DreamLink Services may contain links to other websites or application. This Privacy Policy applies only to DreamLink Services, so if you click on a link to another website or application, you should read their privacy policy.



XII. Application and Renewal of this Policy

We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time and will use commercially reasonable efforts to generally notify all users of any material changes to this Privacy Policy, such as by updating the “Last Updated” date at the top of this page, which reflects the effective date of this Policy. You herein waive any right to receive specific notice of each such change. By continuing to access or use the Service after those changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.



XIII. How to contact us

If you have any questions about DreamLink’s Privacy Policy, the information we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Email us at: feedback@dreamlink.fun


給我們發郵件: feedback@dreamlink.fun


If DreamLink does not respond to your request, you may refer your complaint to the applicable regulator.
